Hi! I’m so glad you’re here! Chances are you’ve seen my hidden dog/baby gate on Instagram or TikTok and are here to figure out how to add one to your home! Am I right? Welcome! My name is Amanda and we just build our custom dream home. While we were designing this house, I made sure to incorporate our needs from toddlers and dogs. I figure we’re going to have dogs the rest of our life!
First, I found Hide-a-Gate https://hideagate.com/ and I thought this might be a great option. This type of gate runs around $1000 and has to be installed during the framing process.
Great for if you’re building but not so great if you’re looking to add to your existing home. The website is great because it actually includes the framing plans needed for your builder/architect. Why didn’t we use the Hide-A-Gate system? Basically the only reason was because of where we wanted the gate. There was no way for us to accommodate the type of framing needed. Back to square 1.
Pocket gate found on Instagram
Once I found out Hide-A-Gate wasn’t an option I scoured through instagram and found this account with this genius pocket door type baby gate that just slide into the wall.

Unfortunately, the framers had already started framing the space where we wanted our gate by the time I found this amazing idea! I was so bummed!!!
Pocket Gate Install
That’s when my builder decided to get creative! We had to find some way to keep the existing framing but still get the pocket gate we wanted so badly!
The builder came up with this genius idea. He drilled holes in the framing and installed PVC through them to maintain stability.

It was the perfect solution because it didn’t mess with the existing electric or plumbing needed for that space! I also this this type of gate could be installed into an existing home as long as you know there isn’t plumbing, HVAC, or electrical behind it. His idea was to use The PVCs create a way for steel bars to fit into . The next step was closing up the wall and getting to work with a welder.

This is what the holes in the wall looked like before the final piece of steel was installed.
You can see the location of the gate here and the details of how they trimmed the opening.
Final Touches
The gate was welded from steel so it is very heavy. The part that pulls out of the wall is actually in 2 pieces so they could get it in. If you look closely below, you can see the seam where the part that slides into the PVC in the wall meets the section that has the handle on it and pulls out.

This is what the welded front piece looks like:

There is a tiny wheel on the bottom portion that pulls out and this is what the gate looks like when it’s shut.

And open:

Be sure to check me out on Instagram and TikTok at @littlehouseonalittleland to see more ways we designed our home towards our dogs 🐾
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But what was used as a lock?
That's awesome for a pet. I couldn't imagine using it for a child, though. There's nothing to keep them from climbing it!
Im curious if you have any info on what size PVC and what size steel tubing was used.